ストレスあれこれStress by Generations













 There are different kinds of stress by the generations as well as  positions at workplace. What becomes stress to each generation?  We typically observe below conditions at workplaces.


Stress of a new employee and a youth


There seem to be a lot of stresses which are brought in the transition of the environmental change such as departing from student life, starting an independent single life and getting married. We also acknowledge that when young employees are not adopting to the new environment, they have tendency to resign or take medical leave rather than the middle-aged employees.


Stress of the middle-aged and a manager


Employees in this generations usually feel stress with expanding the responsibilities and heavy workloads so that physical and mental conditions are sometimes at risk. It is very important for them to keep the balance between work and mental health. They are always exposed from boss’s severe pressures and subordinates’ requirements. Their stress is quite high according to the results of stress check.

As to a home environment, marital and child’s problems are often seen in this generation. It is said that their lives are stressful both at workplace and home.


Stress of a senior employee


There seem to be a lot of decline of physical strength and cognitive performance. They are easy to feel fatigue and sometimes memory loss.

Their positions and salaries are also fixed by this time, it is easy to lose motivation to work.

They might feel burden to take care of older parents, as well as marital problem sometimes feel lonely with empty nest syndrome.